This report summarizes newer versions that may be available for your project's various dependencies.
# of dependencies using the latest version available | 39 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is smaller than an incremental version update | 2 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is an incremental version update | 22 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is a minor version update | 3 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is a major version update | 2 |
Dependency Management
Status | Group Id | Artifact Id | Current Version | Scope | Classifier | Type | Latest Subincremental | Latest Incremental | Latest Minor | Latest Major |
com.google.guava | guava | 32.1.3-jre | jar | 33.0.0-jre | ||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-aether | 0.10.1 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-aspects | 0.25.1 | jar | 0.26.0 | ||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-dynamo | 0.22.4 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-email | 1.12 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-github | 1.8.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-http | 2.0.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-immutable | 1.5 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-jdbc | 0.19.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-log | 0.24.0 | jar | 0.24.1 | ||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-manifests | 2.1.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-matchers | 1.7.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-maven-slf4j | 0.12.2 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-odesk | 0.12 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-s3 | 0.19.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-simpledb | 0.4.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-ssh | 1.9.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-urn | 0.10.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-velocity | 0.10.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-w3c | 1.4.0 | jar | |||||||
com.jcabi | jcabi-xml | 0.29.0 | jar | |||||||
commons-codec | commons-codec | 1.16.0 | jar | 1.16.1 | ||||||
commons-io | commons-io | 2.15.1 | jar | |||||||
commons-net | commons-net | 3.10.0 | jar | |||||||
javax.el | javax.el-api | 3.0.1-b06 | jar | |||||||
javax.json | javax.json-api | 1.1.4 | provided | jar | ||||||
javax.servlet | javax.servlet-api | 4.0.1 | provided | jar | ||||||
javax.validation | validation-api | 2.0.1.Final | jar | |||||||
javax.ws.rs | jsr311-api | 1.1.1 | provided | jar | ||||||
javax.xml.bind | jaxb-api | 2.4.0-b180830.0359 | jar | |||||||
log4j | log4j | 1.2.17 | jar | |||||||
org.antlr | antlr-runtime | 3.5.3 | jar | |||||||
org.antlr | antlr4-runtime | 4.13.1 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-collections4 | 4.4 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-lang3 | 3.14.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-math3 | 3.6.1 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-text | 1.11.0 | jar | |||||||
org.aspectj | aspectjrt | 1.9.21 | jar | | ||||||
org.clojure | clojure | 1.12.0-alpha5 | jar | 1.12.0-alpha8 | ||||||
org.clojure | clojure-contrib | 1.2.0 | jar | |||||||
org.clojure | tools.logging | 1.2.4 | jar | 1.3.0 | ||||||
org.codehaus.groovy | groovy-all | 3.0.20 | jar | 3.0.21 | ||||||
org.glassfish | javax.el | 3.0.1-b12 | jar | |||||||
org.glassfish | javax.json | 1.1.4 | runtime | jar | ||||||
org.hamcrest | hamcrest | 2.2 | jar | |||||||
org.hibernate.validator | hibernate-validator | 8.0.1.Final | jar | |||||||
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter | 5.10.1 | jar | 5.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter-api | 5.10.1 | jar | 5.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter-engine | 5.10.1 | jar | 5.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter-migrationsupport | 5.10.1 | jar | 5.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter-params | 5.10.1 | jar | 5.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-commons | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-console | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-engine | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-jfr | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-launcher | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-reporting | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-runner | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-suite | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-suite-api | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-suite-commons | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-suite-engine | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-testkit | 1.10.1 | jar | 1.10.2 | ||||||
org.junit.vintage | junit-vintage-engine | 5.10.1 | jar | 5.10.2 | ||||||
org.mockito | mockito-core | 5.8.0 | jar | 5.11.0 | ||||||
org.projectlombok | lombok | 1.18.30 | provided | jar | ||||||
org.slf4j | slf4j-reload4j | 2.0.9 | jar | 2.0.12 | 2.1.0-alpha1 | |||||
xml-apis | xml-apis | 1.4.01 | jar | 2.0.2 | ||||||
Status | Group Id | Artifact Id | Current Version | Scope | Classifier | Type | Latest Subincremental | Latest Incremental | Latest Minor | Latest Major |
This project does not declare any dependencies.
Dependency Updates
Status | There is at least one newer major version available. Major updates are rarely passive. |
Group Id | com.google.guava |
Artifact Id | guava |
Current Version | 32.1.3-jre |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 33.0.0-android 33.0.0-jre Latest Major |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-aether |
Current Version | 0.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-aspects |
Current Version | 0.25.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 0.26.0 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-dynamo |
Current Version | 0.22.4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-email |
Current Version | 1.12 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-github |
Current Version | 1.8.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-http |
Current Version | 2.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-immutable |
Current Version | 1.5 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-jdbc |
Current Version | 0.19.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-log |
Current Version | 0.24.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 0.24.1 Latest Incremental |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-manifests |
Current Version | 2.1.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-matchers |
Current Version | 1.7.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-maven-slf4j |
Current Version | 0.12.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-odesk |
Current Version | 0.12 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-s3 |
Current Version | 0.19.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-simpledb |
Current Version | 0.4.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-ssh |
Current Version | 1.9.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-urn |
Current Version | 0.10.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-velocity |
Current Version | 0.10.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-w3c |
Current Version | 1.4.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.jcabi |
Artifact Id | jcabi-xml |
Current Version | 0.29.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | commons-codec |
Artifact Id | commons-codec |
Current Version | 1.16.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.16.1 Latest Incremental |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-io |
Artifact Id | commons-io |
Current Version | 2.15.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-net |
Artifact Id | commons-net |
Current Version | 3.10.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.el |
Artifact Id | javax.el-api |
Current Version | 3.0.1-b06 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.json |
Artifact Id | javax.json-api |
Current Version | 1.1.4 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.servlet |
Artifact Id | javax.servlet-api |
Current Version | 4.0.1 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.validation |
Artifact Id | validation-api |
Current Version | 2.0.1.Final |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.ws.rs |
Artifact Id | jsr311-api |
Current Version | 1.1.1 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.xml.bind |
Artifact Id | jaxb-api |
Current Version | 2.4.0-b180830.0359 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | log4j |
Artifact Id | log4j |
Current Version | 1.2.17 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.antlr |
Artifact Id | antlr-runtime |
Current Version | 3.5.3 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.antlr |
Artifact Id | antlr4-runtime |
Current Version | 4.13.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-collections4 |
Current Version | 4.4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-lang3 |
Current Version | 3.14.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-math3 |
Current Version | 3.6.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-text |
Current Version | 1.11.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer version available. |
Group Id | org.aspectj |
Artifact Id | aspectjrt |
Current Version | 1.9.21 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | Latest Subincremental |
Status | There is at least one newer version available. |
Group Id | org.clojure |
Artifact Id | clojure |
Current Version | 1.12.0-alpha5 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.12.0-alpha6 1.12.0-alpha7 1.12.0-alpha8 Latest Subincremental |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.clojure |
Artifact Id | clojure-contrib |
Current Version | 1.2.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.clojure |
Artifact Id | tools.logging |
Current Version | 1.2.4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.3.0 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.codehaus.groovy |
Artifact Id | groovy-all |
Current Version | 3.0.20 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 3.0.21 Latest Incremental |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.glassfish |
Artifact Id | javax.el |
Current Version | 3.0.1-b12 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.glassfish |
Artifact Id | javax.json |
Current Version | 1.1.4 |
Scope | runtime |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.hamcrest |
Artifact Id | hamcrest |
Current Version | 2.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.hibernate.validator |
Artifact Id | hibernate-validator |
Current Version | 8.0.1.Final |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.jupiter |
Artifact Id | junit-jupiter |
Current Version | 5.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.jupiter |
Artifact Id | junit-jupiter-api |
Current Version | 5.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.jupiter |
Artifact Id | junit-jupiter-engine |
Current Version | 5.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.jupiter |
Artifact Id | junit-jupiter-migrationsupport |
Current Version | 5.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.jupiter |
Artifact Id | junit-jupiter-params |
Current Version | 5.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-commons |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-console |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-engine |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-jfr |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-launcher |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-reporting |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-runner |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-suite |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-suite-api |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-suite-commons |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-suite-engine |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.platform |
Artifact Id | junit-platform-testkit |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.junit.vintage |
Artifact Id | junit-vintage-engine |
Current Version | 5.10.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.10.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.mockito |
Artifact Id | mockito-core |
Current Version | 5.8.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.9.0 5.10.0 5.11.0 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.projectlombok |
Artifact Id | lombok |
Current Version | 1.18.30 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.slf4j |
Artifact Id | slf4j-reload4j |
Current Version | 2.0.9 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.0.10 2.0.11 2.0.12 Latest Incremental 2.1.0-alpha0 2.1.0-alpha1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer major version available. Major updates are rarely passive. |
Group Id | xml-apis |
Artifact Id | xml-apis |
Current Version | 1.4.01 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.0.0 2.0.2 Latest Major |