Full name:
Deploys WAR artifact to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. @author Yegor
Bugayenko (yegor@tpc2.com) @version $Id$ @since 0.3
- Requires a Maven project to be executed.
- Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: deploy.
Required Parameters
Name | Type | Since | Description |
name | String | - | EBT application name, environment name, and CNAME |
bucket | String | - | Amazon S3 bucket name where to upload WAR file |
key | String | - | Amazon S3 bucket key where to upload WAR file |
template | String | - | Amazon Elastic Beanstalk configuration template name |
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Since | Description |
skip | boolean | - | Skips execution Default value is: false. |
server | String | - | ID of the server to deploy to, from settings.xml Default value is: aws.amazon.com. |
war | File | - | Location of .WAR file to deploy Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.war. |
Parameter Details
Skips execution
- Type: boolean
- Required: No
- Default: false
ID of the server to deploy to, from settings.xml
- Type: java.lang.String
- Required: No
- Default: aws.amazon.com
EBT application name, environment name, and CNAME
- Type: java.lang.String
- Required: Yes
Amazon S3 bucket name where to upload WAR file
- Type: java.lang.String
- Required: Yes
Amazon S3 bucket key where to upload WAR file
- Type: java.lang.String
- Required: Yes
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk configuration template name
- Type: java.lang.String
- Required: Yes
Location of .WAR file to deploy
- Type: java.io.File
- Required: No
- Default: ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.war